oct 24 // rules

starting weight: 210
current weight: 208
goal weight: 195
goal weight date: 11/10

  • 1650 calories per day.
  • fast for 24+ at least once every week.
  • spend money on candles that smell good for cravings instead of food.
  • only buy fruits and vegetables to prevent binges on unhealthy things.
  • room has to be clean before eating.
  • work out at least twice a week, 2 hours total workout time.

fasting rules
  • apples and low cal vegetables allowed.
  • black coffee and tea allowed.
  • water.

reward for success: doc martens boots, dyeing hair
punishment for failure: put 150$ in the bank, no bbt or eating out until weight lost. double fasting time for next goal


i’ve been slacking significantly… i’ve decided to put some rules in place. i’ve got i.c to hold me accountable with calorie intake again, so i think i’ll do somewhat better. i’ve bought so many things, i need to keep up with how pretty things around me are with my body.
i want them to worry. i want to feel like i can control this. i’m the fucking strong.


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